Profit before humanism in medicine

Profit before humanism: betrayal against humanity and individuals´ health and needs.
rofit before humanism and peoples’ suffering: Can we trust pharmacological research – much indicate that patients and medical providers are systematic faked in many ways

I wish what I write below is completely wrong – I think readers understand why while reading – but now it has gone too far and it is time to mobilize for changes! New unfolding, very serious, drops to flow over with increased wall-breaking as probable results (over time, where I myself have been waiting for 30 years now). Or – perhaps the Emperor had real new clothes? NB below I discuss only lifestyle related and mental disorders!

Extensive systematic research manipulation and cheating: We critical scientists and clinicians have known for some about manipulations but never considered such a systematic cheating which now is revealed.

Ben Goldacre´s book ”Bad Pharma, how drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients” is one of a number of denouement which upset even us who knows about it.

NB that also health care providers are faked so they should not be blamed. Those of you who read this do not change drug intake before discuss with you medical responsible!

But it is worse than this …  while pills is not the solution for lifestyle related diseases and mental disorders (except when life threatening risk or as temporary “swimming float”) and should basically be questioned. If pharmacological intervention is effective it can masked those dysfunctional processes which create the observed symptoms, as e.g. high blood pressure and thereby facilitate the development of chronic, complex severe diseases.  More text at

Save normal, otherwise artificial epidemics explode  …

”Save normal” is a book by Allen Frances, psychiatrist and chair of the DSM IV Task Force committee responsible for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (now V has emerged), named ”the bible of psychiatry”. Frances describes how Big Pharma has systematic misused this ”bible” for their own profits resulting in an extensive diagnostic inflation, e.g. suddenly ADHD diagnoses were tripled.

A pharmacological created disease epidemic was crated – very bad, complex consequences for societies and individuals.

DSM IV (and V) should not be for poor, weak based and unsure diagnostic “seal of approval”. We can as a matter of facts create or reinforce a disease through wrong, stamping diagnosis. A diagnostic hypothesis carefully followed-up with biopsychosocial medical measures can prevent incorrectness. A diagnose can facilitate formal support in societies but can prevent further investigations. There are effective investigation- and measures within biopsychosocial medicine which are not yet used within school medicine.

The solution I suggest is addressed in my professor (2006) presentation which will be presented shortly in a more concrete and practical useful way in connection with an educational system called “Healthcreators”, a step by step educational system starting from cero for interested patients as well as health care providers. This tool box is based on my dissertation 1986 (which is based on Roskie, Lazarus and others work) and more than 20 years’ work as scientist and practician.

Swedish Center for Stress Medicine start up an interest foundation group to constructive solidness and fighting power  address the above toward ”lifestyle medicine for all – by us all” where also individual biological evidenced based documentation is an important part integrated in an AI-based data base system

Bo von Scheele, professor


Frances, Allen. (2013) “Saving normal. An insider´s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric diagnosis, DSM-5, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life” HarperCollinsPublisher

Goldacre, Ben. (2013) Bad Pharma, How drug companies misled doctors and harm patients, N.Y.: Harper & Harper

Getzsche, Peter. DeadlyMedicine and Organized Crime: How big pharma has corrupted healthcrare

Some more from Allen Frances:
”We could not foresee the abrupt switch .. in early 1990 when drug companies brought new and expensive medicine for ADD to market and were simultaneously set free to advertise them directly to parents and teachers. Soon the sealing of ADHD as a diagnosis was ubiquitous in magazines, on your TV screen, and in pediatricians´ offices – an unexpected epidemic was born, and rates of ADHD tripled. … Psychiatry, once too idiosyncratic and chaotic, has become too standardized and simpleminded. Training program focus excessive attention on teaching diagnosis and not enough on understanding everything else about the patient. “People forget the wisdom of Hippocrates: “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what fort of disease a person has” (page 26)

”Psychiatric diagnosis is too important to be left to the psychiatrics” (page 218) – adding my comment; is valid for most, if not all, medical fields

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